Monday, 29 March 2010

Key Demographic of My Magazine.

This magazine shall be for both genders, as from the research from that I had conducted I had found out that both males and females like magazine that are directed to both sexes. This then means that I have to maintain a magazine for both genders. The external features of the magazine cannot be bias but must mean that both genders would be able to look at the magazine and would want to pick it up as the puffs have to draw them both in. The mode of the address could be considered the most important criteria when planning a magazine in general. As you need to make it clear on whom you are directing it at, as you have to be very specific and apply these things to the visual aesthetics.
My magazine is going to be for adolescence and young adults; I'm going to make my layout be as sophisticated but bold at the same time without losing the effectiveness of the magazine. Also as at this life stage adolescence and early adulthood are usually full of energy and energetic, this means that the articles I include in my magazine must be enjoyable and worth reading as you usually have to work hard at engaging such a specific audience. As they are usually hard to please, you have to please the majority as the majority is what is going to sale the most money. As my demographic is for young people I would like to make the magazine have an exciting feel to it. I shall go about doing this by having a new artist as the main feature of the magazine with a gossip kind of feel so that they feel what they are reading you can read anywhere else.
The colours that I will chose for my magazine, are also very important as I found out again from my research that specific colours on a front cover of a magazine or there iconography is very important. As certain colours suggests certain things to the reader. For example pink suggests that it is stereotypically is for girls, and a paler pink is for younger girls. Working in reverse this suggests the same for boys, but with the colour blue. So when it comes to preparing my magazine, like Q magazine I'm going to stick to a minimal amount of colours. For the cover so it appeals to both, the majority of the magazine is going to be of greys whites and purple. However as it is a Musical Theatre magazine, this particular genre can be somewhat "cheesy" so for the inside pages my layout shall be the same continuing the greys and whites thought out, but for each page there is going to have background of transparent shapes in the background. This brings a more exciting approach to it.
Whilst looking at various magazines, the mast head on each becomes very similar and typical. This is that usually most magazines claim to be the "Britain's Best Magazine..." of whatever the genre or type of magazine may be. I'm going to carry on with the convention of this and put this forward onto my magazine. This would then improve the aesthetics immediately as when the reader reads "UK Number One Music Magazine" they will get the impression that my magazine will be one of a kind.

The most famous popular musical theatre magazine is "The Stage". However this isn’t really a magazine, as it is set out in a news paper form. They have a website which is for the entertainment industry. They set out the newspaper in a way that breaks down the different aspects of their product which I would like to bring forward to my own magazine. This makes the magazine a lot easier to read and much more understandable.

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